Ms. Andrea Reyes » Posts


Week of 2.5.18 - 2.9.18

Language Arts Unit 4 Week 2

Spelling Words 

R Controlled Vowels (er, ir, ur, or): clerk, herd, first, skirt, stir, churn, hurt, burst, work, worse

Silent letters: know, wrist

High Frequency Words: found, from, today, animal, away, building

Vocabulary Words: active, earth, explode, island, local, properties, solid, steep

Grammar: Helping verbs and quotations marks

Math  6.1 - 6.3 Using place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract

Social Studies: Cultural Anthropology: Chinese New Years, Economics

Science: Habitats and Ecosystems

 Chinatown Field: Please let me know as soon as possible if you are interested to help chaperone our upcoming field trip. You can contact me via: Remind App, Email, or your student's agenda. 

Important Dates:

Thursday, February 2: Field Trip Permission Form and Money due

Wednesday, February 7: Completed Enrollment Projection Form Due

Monday, February 12: Teacher Institute Day

Wednesday, February 14: Valentines day (If you are planning to share goodies with the class there are 21 students in our classroom. Just a friendly reminder we are a nut free school ^_^)

Thursday, February 15: Chinatown Field Trip

Monday, February 19: President's Day

Wednesday, February 21: Jump Rope for Heart

Friday, March 16: Market Day

March 19 - 26: Spring Break (No School)

Week of 1.29.18 - 2.2.18

Language Arts Unit 4 Week 1

Spelling Words 

Silent Letters (wr, kn, gn, mb, sc): wrist, writing, knife, know, gnat, sign, comb, crumb, scene, scent

Review Long u: cube, music

High Frequency Words: very, eat, don't, many, morning, through

Vocabulary Words: cheered, concert, instruments, movements, music, rhythm, sounds, understand

Grammar: Linking Verbs and Capitalization of Proper Nouns

Math  5.7, 5.10-5.12: Using place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract, relate addition and subtraction to length, represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction, add and subtract within 20

Social Studies: Cultural Anthropology: Chinese New Years, Economics

Science: Habitats and Ecosystems

 Chinatown Field: Please let me know as soon as possible if you are interested to help chaperone our upcoming field trip. You can contact me via: Remind App, Email, or your student's agenda. 

Important Dates:

January 29: Teacher Professional Development Day (No School)

Thursday, February 2: Field Trip Permission Form and Money due

Wednesday, February 7: Completed Enrollment Projection Form Due

February 15: Chinatown Field Trip

March 16: Market Day

Week of 1.22.18 - 1.26.18

Language Arts Unit 3 Week 5

Spelling Words 

Long u (u_e, ew, ue, u): cute, cube, fumes, few, pew, cues, fuel, music, unit, menu

Review Long e: pony, queen

High Frequency Words: began, come, give, America, beautiful, climbed

Vocabulary Words: cheered, concert, instruments, movements, music, rhythm, sounds, understand

Grammar: combining and rearranging sentences, sentence punctuation

Math  5.7-5.9: Using place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract, relate addition and subtraction to length, represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction, add and subtract within 20

Social Studies: Cultural Anthropology: Chinese New Years

Science: Habitats and Ecosystems

 Chinatown Field: Please let me know as soon as possible if you are interested to help chaperone our upcoming field trip. You can contact me via: Remind App, Email, or your student's agenda. 

Important Dates:

January 8 - 17: 1st Round Talent Show Auditions

January 25: Technology Walk-A-Thon Money due

January 26: Technology Walk-A-Thon

January 29: Teacher Professional Development Day (No School)

February 2: Field Trip Permission Form and Money due

February 15: Chinatown Field Trip


Week of 1.15.18 - 1.19.18

Language Arts Unit 3 Week 3

Spelling Words 

Long e (e, ee, ea, ie, y, ey, e_e): we, need, bee, queen, mean, leaf, thief, chief, pony, keys

Review Long o: grow, toe

High Frequency Words: after, every, special, after, before, every

Vocabulary Words: across, damage, dangerous, destroy, event, harsh, prevent, warning, weather

Grammar: have verb, book titles

Math  5.5-5.7: Using place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract, relate addition and subtraction to length, represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction, add and subtract within 20

Social Studies: Cultural Anthropology:Chinese New Years

Science: Habitats and Ecosystems


Important Dates:

January 8 - 17: 1st Round Talent Show Auditions

January 25: Technology Walk-A-Thon Money due

January 26: Technology Walk-A-Thon

January 29: Teacher Professional Development Day (No School)

Week of 1.8.18 - 1.12.18

Language Arts Unit 3 Week 3

Spelling Words 

Long o (o, oa, ow, oe): told, most, float, coat, toast, grow, mow, show, Joe, toe, 

Review Long i: light, mind

High Frequency Words: only, our, who, better, group, long

Vocabulary Words: across, borrow, countryside, idea, insists, lonely, solution, villages

Grammar: Narrative Non Fiction

Math  5.2 - 5.5: Using place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract, relate addition and subtraction to length

Social Studies: Rights and Responsibilites

Science: Habitats and Ecosystems


Important Dates:

January 8: First Day Back

January 8 - 17: 1st Round Talent Show Auditions

January 15: No School Martin Luther King Jr. Day

January 25: Technology Walk-A-Thon Money due

January 26: Technology Walk-A-Thon

January 29: Teacher Professional Development Day (No School)


Week of 12.11.17 - 12.1517


Language Arts

No spelling this week.

Reading: Comprehension - Main Idea & Key Details

Writing: Opinion Writing

Math  5.1-5.3 - using place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract, add and subtract within 20, measure and estimate lengths using in standard units, 

Social Studies: Maps; Rights and Responsibilites

Science: Insect Life Cycles - Meal Worms

Winter Sharing Music and Lyrics: 


Important Dates:

December 14: Turn in Party letter with three choices

December 19: Class Party

December 20: Rising Star Assembly and Dismissal changed to 2:05

December 21: Early Dismissal @ 12:25

December 22 - January 5: Winter Break (No School)



January 8: First Day Back

Week of 12.4.17 - 12.8.17

Language Arts Review

Spelling Words Review Spelling words from Unit 3 Week 1 & 2

Grammar: present-tense verbs and commas in a series

Writing: Opinion Writing

Math  4.11 - 5.2 - using place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract, add and subtract within 20, measure and estimate lengths using in standard units, 

Social Studies: Maps

Science: Insect Life Cycles - Meal Worms


Important Dates:

December 7: Bring in items for Ginger Bread House Activity:
  • 1 can of vanilla frosting and a plastic knife for spreading
  • Assorted cereal, candies, etc. to decorate their Ginger Bread House. 

December 8: Student Council Pajama Day

December 8:  Ginger Bread House Activity 8:00 - 9:30am

December 19: Class Party

December 20: Rising Star Assembly and Dismissal changed to 2:05

December 21: Early Dismissal @ 12:25

December 22 - January 5: Winter Break (No School)


January 8: First Day Back

Week of 11.27.17 - 12.01.17

Language Arts  - Unit 3 Week 2

Spelling Words 

Long i (i, y, igh, ie)

i - wild, mind; y - cry, try, dry; igh - light, sight, high; ie - tie, lie

Review: hay, steak

High Frequency Words: begin, those, apart

Vocabulary Words: adventure, delighted, dreamed, enjoyed grumbled, moonlight, neighbor, nighttime

Grammar: present-tense verbs and commas in a series

Math  4.5 - 4.9 - using place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract, add and subtract within 20, measure and estimate lengths using in standard units, 

Social Studies: Maps

Science: Insect Life Cycles - Meal Worms


Important Dates:


November 30: Bring in 1 empty (rinsed, clean, and dried) half - gallon milk or juice carton for Ginger Bread House Activity. *Be sure that your child has their name on their carton

December 7: Bring in items for Ginger Bread House Activity:
  • 1 can of vanilla frosting and a plastic knife for spreading
  • Assorted cereal, candies, etc. to decorate their Ginger Bread House. 

December 8:  Ginger Bread House Activity

December : Rising Star Assembly and Dismissal changed to 2:05

December 21: Early Dismissal @ 12:25

December 22 - January 5: Winter Break (No School)


January 8: First Day Back

Week of 11.20.17 - 11.24.17

Language Arts - No Spelling this Week

Writing: Opinion Writing

Math  4.2 - 4.4 - represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction, using place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract, add and subtract within 20

Social Studies: Maps

Science: Insect Life Cycles - Meal Worms


Important Dates:


November 23 - 24: Thanksgiving (No School)


December 8:  Ginger Bread House Activity

December : Rising Star Assembly and Dismissal changed to 2:05

December 21: Early Dismissal @ 12:25

December 22 - January 5: Winter Break (No School)


January 8: First Day Back