Ms. Katrina Arnold » Home


Contact Information:
Please feel free to contact me any time! I would be more than happy to sit down and meet with you to discuss your child's progress and/or answer any questions/concerns you may have.
Phone: (808) 307-9700
Remind APP 
Classroom Website:
You can visit this website to find out up to date information, projects, and see photos of what we've been up to in class! I will do my best to keep up with this, but sometime, things get a bit crazy when we're busy learning!

Your child is being taught to exhibit scholarly behaviors, both inside the classroom and out through observable behaviors, such as student efforts, work habits, and behavior. Throughout the year we will continue to practice the Hawaii General Learner Outcome Standards and exemplify scholarliness.

The 6 GLO’s include:

1. Self-Directed Learner: The ability to be responsible for one’s own learning.
2. Community Contributor: The understanding that it is essential for human beings to work together.
3. Complex Thinker: The ability to demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving.
4. Quality Producer: The ability to recognize and produce quality performances and quality products.
5. Effective Communicator: The ability to communicate effectively.
6. Effective and Ethical User of Technology: The ability to use a variety of technologies effectively and ethically.

Rules and Consequences:
I believe all students can behave appropriately in the classroom. I will tolerate no student from stopping me from teaching and/or any student from learning. In order to ensure a safe and nurturing environment, I will be utilizing the following discipline plan
Class Rules:
1. Be in class on time with books, supplies, and assignments.
2. Work quietly and use time wisely.
3. Show respect to others and property.
4. Listen to and follow directions.
5. Work and play safely.
1. 1st offense: verbal warning
2. 2nd offense: note in behavior log and partial loss of recess
3. 3rd offense: loss of recess and note home to parent
4. 4th offense: referral to counselor or administration
If a serious offense occurs, the office will be notified immediately. Students with proper behavior will be rewarded through various means.
To encourage students, I will recognize appropriate behavior with individual, group, and class rewards. Individual students will be praised for their good behavior and will be rewarded with positive notes, stickers, or special privileges. On a weekly basis, groups may earn points towards a special treat or privilege for being cooperative, responsible and being prepared. Also, the entire class may earn treats or privileges for certain achievements as a class.
Our goal is to teach students to be responsible for their own learning and become lifelong learners. One way we achieve this is through our curriculum at Webling Elementary School, we use Magnetic Reading for language arts. For math, we utilize Ready Math. 
You can help us to have a successful school year and achieve our goals by reinforcing the importance of education at home. Here are some ways you can help your child at home:
1. Set a specific time and quiet place for project completion.
2. Help your child organize project materials.
3. Read with your child and talk with him/her.
4. Encourage and support your child's efforts.
5. Communicate with teacher. Please keep me informed of what is going on at home. You may use the communication log located in your child's agenda.
1. Students need to be in the classroom by 7:45 A.M.
2. Please do not schedule doctor's appointments or vacations during school hours. Absences have a great impact on student achievement.
Grading Policy:
Grading will be based on teacher observation, daily class work, projects, and tests and quizzes.

Grading Scale:

ME - 95% - 100%                               

MP - 75% - 94%

DP - 60% - 74%

WB - 0% - 59%

Participation - 10%

Quizzes – 20%
Assessments – 30%
Projects – 40%

Grading throughout the year will be a reflection of your child’s efforts and performance in classroom participation, class work, and assessments (tests, writing, projects, etc.). Also, if your child seems to have excessive incomplete work, please speak with me. This may be due to the fact that the student is taking home too much unfinished class work and needs to focus more in class to get it done before going home.

Students' Responsibilities: Students should do their best (neat, complete) job on their assignments. They are expected to work on their own and ask for help only after they have given it their best effort. All students are responsible for turning in their assignments upon entering the classroom.
Teacher's Responsibilities: I, or sometimes students (depending on the type of assignment), will correct assignments. If an assignment is done incorrectly it will be returned to the student to be re-done. I will help the student at recess if help is needed.
Parents' Responsibilities: Parents play an important role in making school a positive experience. Therefore, I ask that you please make it a top priority to provide necessary supplies and a quiet study environment, provide support, and contact me if you notice any problems. PLEASE CHECK ANY SIGN YOUR CHILD'S AGENDA NIGHTLY TO ENSURE THEY HAVE COMPLETED ALL ASSIGNMENTS.
Incomplete Work: If there is a legitimate reason why a student is not able to finish work, please send a note to school on the day the assignment is due stating the reason it was not completed. The note must be signed by the parent/guardian. If incomplete work persists, I will contact parents so that we can work together on possible solutions.
Absence: Please notify the office staff at 808-307-9700 if your child will be absent. Your child will be responsible for completing the assignments that she/he misses during an absence. All absent students will receive an absent folder containing class work, homework, and handouts given throughout the day. Please notify me or the office staff whether or not the folder will be picked up from class or the office.

Please read and discuss our class policy with your child. I am confident that together we can encourage your child to have a positive and successful learning experience! Thank you for you support at home!