Homework/ Enrichment Activities for Distance Learning

Please use your judgement and try to dedicate a balanced academic routine  that fits your family's schedule:  We are asking  each week that your child completes:
1 hour of iReady Reading
1 hour of iReady Math
Extra Resources/ activities

iReady Reading Home Activity Packet (1st grade printable packet)iReady Math Home Activity Packet (1st grade printable packet)

Please check back for new and updated content. You can email me if you need more resources, login information, clarification, or for anything you need, please do not hesitate . Please tune in to our virtual whole group meetings at 9:00am on Mondays, and sign up for a small group meeting slots on my virtual meeting schedule (you will see the link in my weekly emails) where I will do ELA and Math Enrichment activities. Invitations to join the meetings are sent to the primary contact email.
Thank you!
Ms. Dougherty