Mrs. Kahea Snow » Posts



This is our last week of spelling, vocabulary, and grammar. 
Spelling - jumper, higher, star, starry, garden, better, dinner, doctor, market, hairy, enjoy, display, afternoon, anyone, everything, imagination, seconds, create, dazzling, worth
vocabulary - create, dazzling, imagination, seconds
grammar - adjective and adverbs
comprehension - summarize, point of view, metaphor
math - subtraction
science - magnets
SS - government
May Day will be on Wed. May 18. Your child will need blue denim jeans or shorts and as plain a white shirt as possible. 


spelling - lit, little, set, settle, rip, ripple, pad, paddle, middle, bubble, outside, replace, follow, listen, something, teamwork, results, prepare, machines, exploration
vocabulary - teamwork, machines, exploration, results, important, scientific, prepare, repair
grammar - adverbs, prepositional phrases
comprehension/mechanics - summarize, main idea and key details, Greek/Latin roots
math - multiplication/division
SS- natural resources
science - magnets

week of 4/11

spelling - nail, train, main, hay, stay, break, steak, weigh, sleigh, prey, scrape, strange, good, often, two, amazing, proved, true, measure, weight
vocabulary - true, force, amazing, speed, measure, weight, objects, proved
grammar - articles, this, that, these, and those
comprehension/mechanics - reread, author's purpose, similes 
math - polyhedrons
SS/science - Natural resources, magnets
Reminders - please return and/or pay for spring pictures if you haven't done so

week of 4/4

Spelling - pencil, magnet, publish, supper, letter, lady, gravy, solo, open, odor, lead, touch, door, front, someone, rustled, stages, develop, appeared, crops
vocabulary - appeared, rustled, stages, golden, develop, crops, shining, edge
grammar - adjectives
comprehension - reread, theme, context clues
writing - opinion
math - adding 2 and 3 digit numbers
Science/Social Studies - natural resources

week of 2/29

Spelling - cute, cube, fumes, music, unit, menu, few, fuel cues, pony, queen, began, come, give, rhythm, instruments, sounds, concert, understand
Vocabulary - cheered, music, rhythm, concert, sounds, understand, movements, instruments
grammar - contractions
comprehension/mechanics - ask and answer questions, main idea/key details, and prefixes
math - fractions
social studies - economics
science - habitats

2/22 concepts

spelling - we, bee, need, queen, mean, leaf, thief, chief, pony, keys, grow, toe, after, every, special, warning, prevent, destroy, harsh, damage
vocabulary - prevent, dangerous, damage, weather, harsh, event, warning, destroy
grammar - possessive pronouns
comprehension/mechanics - ask and answer questions, main idea and details, antonyms
math - estimation, associative property
science - habitats
social studies - economics

2/16 concepts

spelling - told, most, float, coat, toast, grow, mow, show, Joe, toe, light, mind, only, our, who, villages, idea, lonely, solution, borrow
vocabulary - villages, idea, lonely, solution, borrow, across, countryside, insists
grammar - pronouns
comprehension/mechanics - ask and answer questions, author's purpose, synonyms
math - weight, units of mass, estimation
science - habitats
social studies - presidents

week of 2/8

spelling - light, sight, mind, cry, tie, high, wild, dry, try, lie, hay, steak, begin, those, apart, adventure grumbled, neighbor, delighted, moonlight
vocabulary - moonlight, delight, neighbor, grumbled, adventure, dreamed, enjoyed, nighttime
grammar - pronouns
comprehension/mechanics - 
math - subtraction, weight (pounds and kilograms)
science - habitats
Social studies - China

week of 2/1

Spelling - port, north, more, store, car, roar, board, part, start, park, first, hurt, ago, carry, people, wonder, surrounded, travels, common, favorite
Vocabulary - common, costume, customs, favorite, parades, surrounded, travels, wonder
grammar - contractions and apostrophes
comprehension/mechanics - visualization, plot: compare and contrast, smilies 
math - addition and subtraction
science - habitats
social studies - Chinese New Year

week of 1/25

spelling - dead, ahead, lead, thread, bread, touch, trouble, gym, myth, small, chalk, instead, whole, words, exclaim, public, united, rules, form
vocabulary - finally, united, public, exclaimed, writers, history, rules, form
writing - opinion
grammar - irregular verbs
comprehension/mechanics - make, confirm, and revise predictions, cause and effect, multiple meaning words
math - money
reminder - Chinatown field trip on Friday. Your child is allowed to bring no more than $10 to spend.

week of 1/18

Spelling - ball, small, paw, haw, pause, sauce, taught, chalk, walk, sought, new, fruit, city, own, read, proudly, enormous, supply, rarely, curious
Vocabulary - supply, distance, enormous, rarely, gently, curious, proudly, Earth resources
grammar - irregular verbs
comprehension/mechanics - predictions, problem/solution, homophones
math - money
Science - habitats

Week of 1/11

Spelling - room, flu, June, new, glue, fruit, crook, could, full, push, point, coin, along, ever, strong, succeed, interest, heroes, agree, discover
vocabulary - perform, agree, interest, succeed, heroes, challenging, study
grammar - pronouns, proper nouns
comprehension/mechanics - summarize, sequencing, synonyms
writing - expository
math - arrays
science - habitats
Reminders -
-hundredth day celebration is next Friday, 1/22
-Chinatown field trip is Friday, 1/29. Please join us if you can!!!!!

week of 1/4

This week is a short week so not spelling, grammar, vocabulary
Writing - winter break writing
Math - Skip counting and equal groups
SS - Time for Kids
Science - habitats

Concepts for 11/16

spelling - soil, broil, moist, point, toil, oil. toy, joy, coin, noise, crown, mound, I'll, laugh, maybe, patient, describe, imagination, cooperate, interact
vocabulary - amused, imagination, cooperate, interact, describe, patient, entertained, peaceful
grammar/mechanics - pronouns (I, me, we, us), capitalizing the pronoun I
comprehension - summarize, point of view, idioms 
math - polygons, make tens strategy, fact families
Science - animal life cycles
SS - map skills

Concepts for 10/26

Reminder school ends at 12:26 this weeK.
Spelling - comb, crumb, scene, scent, gnat, sign, knife, know, wrist, writing, cube, music, very, eat, don't, layers, eerie, region, seasons, lively
vocabulary - eerie, region, layers, temperature, growth, seasons, location, lively
grammar/mechanics - linking verbs, capitalization of proper nouns
comprehension - reread, compare and contrast, compound words
writing - opinion writing
math - addition/subtraction, time (quarter past, AM and PM, duration, calendar)
SS - map skills