Week of 11.13.17 - 11.17.17

Language Arts

Unit 3 Wk 1

Spelling Words 

Long a (a, ai, ay ea, ei, eigh, ey): nail, train, main, hay, stay, break, steak, weigh, sleigh, prey

Review: scrape, strange

High Frequency Words: good, often, two

Vocabulary Words: amazing, measure, objects, proved, speed, true, weight

Grammar: action verbs and abbreviations


Math Module 3 Review, 4.1 - 4.3 - represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction, using place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract, add and subtract within 20

Social Studies: Maps

Science: Insect Life Cycles - Meal Worms


Important Dates:


Saturday, November 18: Regal Fundraiser Pick up @9a - 12p

November 23 - 24: Thanksgiving (No School)


December 8:  Ginger Bread House Activity

December : Rising Star Assembly and Dismissal changed to 2:05

December 21: Early Dismissal @ 12:25

December 22 - January 5: Winter Break (No School)


January 8: First Day Back