Week of 8.12.19 - 8.16.19

 Aloha B5 Ohana,

Our class has completed their first week of school. The students are settling in and readjusting to being back in school. I will be using the school website to inform you of important dates as well as our weekly focus.It has been a great start to this school year!

Thank you for you continued support!

Ms. Reyes

Language Arts:  Unit 1 Week 1

Spelling Words (short a & short i):  has, wag, bad, six, had, sat, six, fix, him, if, can, hit

Grammar: Statements & Questions; Capitalization & Punctuation

Math - Mental Math Strategies for Addition

Science - Life Science: Plants' Needs

SS - Timelines: Introduction

Important Dates:

Friday, August 16 - Statehood Holiday (No School)

Thursday, August 22 - Field Trip money and form Due

Tuesday, August 27 - Picture Taking

Friday, August 30 - Field Trip

Wednesday, September 18 - Brown Bag Breakfast & Standards Based Lesson