Mr. H. Bowler » Science NGSS

Science NGSS

Be Curious! - Doing Science At Home* 
Exploring, experimenting, and reporting on what you learn is what scientists do daily.  By reading the questions and watching the videos below you'll be prepared to try an investigation.  Afterward, tell us about your experience by completing the report form (blue).  *Always ask your parents for permission before beginning*
ESS (Earth and Space Science)
- What are examples of observable patterns?
- How far has a SpaceCraft Traveled in Space?
Interview with a Planetary Geologist from John Hopkin's University APL (video) / Report Observations (form)
- How can you measure the amount of fallen rain?
- Can you build a model of quick changes to the land? 
PS (Physical Science)
- How is a mixture made? 
Learn how to make Play-Dough (video) / Report Mixture (form)
- Can you design and test mystery boxes? 
LS (Life Science)
- Is there life under a lemon tree? 
CS (Computer Science) 
- Can you write Code with JavaScript? 
CS (Citizen Science) 
- How can you help scientists? 
- What can you do to help pollution?