Week of 12.11.17 - 12.1517


Language Arts

No spelling this week.

Reading: Comprehension - Main Idea & Key Details

Writing: Opinion Writing

Math  5.1-5.3 - using place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract, add and subtract within 20, measure and estimate lengths using in standard units, 

Social Studies: Maps; Rights and Responsibilites

Science: Insect Life Cycles - Meal Worms

Winter Sharing Music and Lyrics: goo.gl/ErcL27 


Important Dates:

December 14: Turn in Party letter with three choices

December 19: Class Party

December 20: Rising Star Assembly and Dismissal changed to 2:05

December 21: Early Dismissal @ 12:25

December 22 - January 5: Winter Break (No School)



January 8: First Day Back