Student Activities
-The Student Council, with student representatives from grades 3-6, promotes positive citizenship and leadership among students through school pride, loyalty and the
understanding of democracy. The Student Council is involved in planning service
projects, social activities, and presenting ideas for the welfare of the student body.
-Webling BroadCast is a monthly closed circuit television program produced and presented
by selected students in grades 4,5 and 6.
-Students in grades 5 and 6 can become Junior Police Officers who assist students
in the morning and afternoon exit and enter transportation vehicles safely at curbside.
-Student Peer Mediators from grades 3 – 6 work in teams to help to resolve playground
problems through the student mediation process.
-School Community Council student representatives from grades 4 – 6 provide the SCC
Board with input from the student population.
-Students in grades 4 – 6 who meet the certain criteria for identifying the gifted and talented
and/or creative thinker participate in an accelerated math program. The experiences in
this program help students to become more math independent, creative and productive
Field trips help to enrich/enhance the curriculum by increasing understanding of
unit or topic under study.
Field trip permission forms and payment must be submitted by the
parent/guardian in a timely manner by the deadline stated on the permission
form (Exception: If the student is absent during all the days of collection.)
Failure to do so will result in the student not going on the field trip. The reasons
for collection deadlines are to finalize plans, to teach students about
responsibility, and to help the office collect and remit the money in an efficient
and timely manner.
Payment for bus will NOT be refunded if the student is absent on the day of the
field trip as bus costs are pre-arranged and prorated.
Students who do not go on field trips should report to school on the day of the trip,
they will be given assignments to do with another teacher.