School Discipline Procedures
The goal of Webling is to promote wholesome school environment where each child will
develop self-discipline. To attain self-discipline, we believe children must understand the
importance of choices and the results of those choices. Children who chose to demonstrate
acceptable behaviors will be rewarded. Children who choose inappropriate behaviors will be
choosing negative consequences.
- A classroom discipline plan with classroom rules is developed and posted in the classroom by the teacher and/or grade level where students change classes.
- The classroom discipline plan includes focus on the following student behaviors:
- Respect Self
- Respect Others/Respect Authority
- Respect Property
- School Discipline procedures should be posted in the classroom by each teacher.
- Copy of classroom discipline plan and the School Discipline Procedures should be sent home to parents/guardians for signature.
- Copy of classroom discipline plan should be submitted to counselors and administration.
When students are not under the direct supervision of their classroom teachers and are in the
cafeteria or on the playground, those who do not follow school rules will be redirected by the adult
staff or supervisors. The first warning will serve as reminder and students will be counseled by their classroom teachers. If students receive a third warning the adult supervisor will send a referral to the counselor/Principal.
- Follow classroom discipline plan.
- Counsel students as necessary.
- Contact parents.
- Keep log/notes of warnings and refer three (3) time offenders for the quarter to the counselor.
a. 1st offense = counseling, parent notification, determination of consequences
b. 2nd offense = counseling, parent notification, determination of consequences
COUNSELORS: See Student Referral form for Problem Behavior:
Tardies, Absences, Teasing, Not listening, Disruption, Not Following Behavioral Expectations,
Not Doing Work (attitude/motivation), Health Concerns (sleep, eating, etc), Peer Relations, Lying/Cheating, Loss of relative, Other)
1. Follow classroom discipline plan
2. Counsel students as necessary
3. Contact parents
- 3rd referral = Counseling, parent conference, determination of consequences.
- Repeat offenders = in or out of school suspensions; detentions
- SEVERE OFFENSES: parent conference, determination of in or out of school suspensions or detention.
Students, classroom and/or grade levels that exhibit good behaviors will be recognized by one
of the following:
- Assembly
- Special Banner
- Special Treats
- Showcase
A detention area will be designated: (office conference room)
1. Students will be assigned detention during morning and/or lunch recess.
2. Students will be expected to do class work provided by their teacher or a book to read.
Students are expected to work in silence.
3. In some cases, student will complete a Reflection sheet during detention. Students
will have parents sign reflection sheet and return to their teacher and/or Principal.
IN-SCHOOL SUSPENSION: Parents will be notified of in-school suspensions.
- Students will be assigned to work in a detention room a full or half day.
- School work/assignments will be provided by his/her teacher to be completed accurately and neatly.
- Student will eat his/her lunch in the detention area and will not participate in outdoor recess with his/her peers.
OUT OF SCHOOL SUSPENSION: Students may be suspended from school for any Class A to D offenses depending on the severity of the infraction.
Appropriate student behavior is a daily expectation. The student must behave appropriately
and be a law abiding citizen in order to succeed in school. Chapter 19 of the Hawaii
Administrative Rules is the governing document upon which disciplinary actions will be based.
Each case will be reviewed by a counselor or administrator, with consideration given to the age
of the child, mitigating circumstances, and the condition which the offenses were committed.
The following is a list of prohibited behaviors that students should avoid. Committing any one
of the following behaviors will result in disciplinary action, which may include counseling,
warning, detention, suspension, HPD arrest, restitution, and family court appearance. Parents
are to review the following with their child.
- Class A Offenses- Assault; Burglary; Dangerous instruments, substance; possession or
use of; Dangerous weapons; possession, or use of; Drug paraphernalia; possession, use or
sale of; Extortion, Fighting; Firearms; possession or use of; Homicide; Illicit drugs; possession,
use, or sale of; Intoxicating substances; possession use, or sale of; Property damage or v
andalism; robbery; Sexual offenses; or Terroristic threatening. Consequences: HPD
notification; suspension
-Class B Offenses – Bullying; Cyberbullying; Disorderly conduct; False alarm; Forgery;
Gambling; Harassment; Hazing; Inappropriate or questionable uses, or both of internet
materials or equipment, or both; Theft or Trespassing. Consequences: HPD
notification; suspension
-Class C Offenses– Abusive language; Class cutting; Insubordination; laser pen/laser
pointer; possession or use of; Leaving campus without consent; Smoking or use
of tobacco substances; or Truancy. Consequences: Detention; suspension
-Class D Offenses: Contraband; possession or use of; Minor problem behaviors; or
Other school rules. Contraband includes but is not limited to: collector’s cards,
pocket knives, home-made weapons, toys, lighters, matches, tobacco products,
martial arts paraphernalia, walkman radios, CD players/boom boxes, pagers/beepers,
cellular telephones, water guns, water balloons, smelly sprays, darts, skateboards,
scooters, rollerblades, heelies and any items that may disrupt classes or the
normal operation of the school. Reporting late to school or class. Inappropriate behavior
includes but is not limited to running on grass or lanais, loitering in off-limits areas, rough
housing, littering, playing with food, food fights, cutting in line, yelling, spitting, abusive
language, displaying pornography, forgery of signatures or grades. Consequences:
Detention; suspension
-Note: Students are NOT allowed to conduct any personal business transactions
(buying or selling any items) during school hours on school property.
Students are NOT to lend or borrow money from each other during school.
Students are NOT to bring large amounts of money, valuable jewelry or any other valuable items
to school.
(July 2011)