Student/Parent Handbook » Parent Activities

Parent Activities


Volunteers are always needed in the classroom, Library, computer program,

and school events.  Interested parents can contact the school, PCNC

Coordinator and/or your child’s teacher to offer your services.


Volunteers report to the office to sign in before reporting to the staff member

whom they are assisting.  Volunteers will be issued a Volunteer badge to be

worn while on campus.



The Webling Parent Teacher Organization is an important auxiliary to the

school, doing much to support the programs at Webling.  The PTO assists

the school in fundraising and provides volunteers to carry on programs.  We

cordially invite you to participate in our meetings and many activities.




The Parent Community Networking Coordinators serves as a liaison between

the school and parents.  The coordinators plan activities and workshops for

parents, students, and staff members.




The School Community Council is a process of educational reform to effect

school improvement which results in increased student achievement.  It

seeks to place responsibility and decision making with those who directly

effect and are affected by the decisions.  It is a democratic system that enables

a school’s community – administrators, teachers, staff, parents, students,

and community members – to actively and directly shape the quality of

education.  It is an organizational structure that shifts authority from a

centralized agency to local schools.