Student/Parent Handbook » Health



The health aide is on duty from 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on school days.  She is available to render first aid care and to arrange for parents to pick up children from school if illness or injury needs more than first aid care.  Children may NOT walk home unaccompanied.



If a child is ill, the child should be kept at home.  This will help to lessen the incidences of illness at school.  Parents should check with their child’s private physician or school health aide if they have any questions.  Certain communicable diseases need medical clearance before re-entry to school.



Significant medical conditions should be indicated on the Emergency Card.  If special conditions or physical restrictions are needed in school, a medical statement will need to be submitted yearly.



USDA does not recognize juice as a substitute for milk.  Generally, children with food allergies or intolerances do not have a disability as defined under Section 504 or IDEA. Only if your child has a documented “disability” that restricts his or her diet, a Medical Diet Order form must be filled out by a medical doctor. 



Medication can only be administered in school with medical authorization according to Department of Health procedures.  The health aide has further information and the required form SHS-36 available for your child.



Pediculosis, more commonly known as “ukus” or head lice, is a recurring infestation that requires a a collaborative effort at home, school, and community to keep it under control.  Please report to the health aide if you suspect or know your child has ukus so that others can be screened.  Students with pediculosis will be sent home to be treated.  After treatment, students may return to school.



A child is eligible for home/hospital instruction if medical evidence shows that s/he will not be able to attend regular school for more than 10 school days.  Please contact the office if more information is needed.



By the first day of school, all new students to any public or private school in the State of Hawaii must have Tuberculosis (TB) clearance and a completed Student Health Record (Form 14), including a physical examination and all required immunization or a signed statement or appointment card from the child’s doctor.  Students missing either of these requirements will not be permitted to enter school on the first day.



All parents and students are encouraged to create a “peanut - nut free” environment.  Please be mindful of what you pack in our child’s school lunches and snacks.  Check ingredients in pre-packaged products and do not send any food items to school containing peanuts, peanut products, or peanut trace.